Welcome to Royfuss.com
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Thanks for coming to the site. Definitly check out the forum. That's where it's happening. Downloads,
Media, News, Links are also great places to check out too.
- RoyJ
Lack Of Updates
There will be a lack of updates due to me being extremely busy and building a new website. Alas it is not a new
royfuss.com website, however it is a website that I plan on spending a lot of time with. When the website is complete, I will
update the home page, and the news page with information. I will try to update my progress with the website, however, do not
expect very many updates.
-- Royfuss
New Site Status
Currently in the Content Editing and Testing phases. It is currently uploaded to the server, and the domain is bought, however
it is not ready for production so I cannot tell you what it is called or where it can be found. However, I will let you know when
it is completely finished. Please stay tuned for updates.
-- Royfuss