Oh boy. In July, it looked like I was barely going to make my goal of 20 video games played before the end of the year. After the dust settled in 2022, I come out with 30 games. This is going to be a long post, so buckle in.
Is this a “Game of the Year” post? No, but, also, yes. My “Games of” series highlights games I played throughout the year. Check out the appendix to view past years. I share a screenshot, some stats, and my thoughts about each game. This year will also include links to my new Royfuss Games website. The games are in the order in which I started to play them. At the end, I include my overall stats, including my pick for favorite game.
Neon Is Precision And Speed
inFamous: First Light (PS4)
Release date: 08/26/2014
Last played: 01/29/2022
Session hours: 6.75
Gaming sessions: 3
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 11/25 (44%)
Screenshots taken: 46
Acquisition date: 01/14/2015
Acquired from: PlayStation Plus
Price: $0.00 (List $14.99)

infamous: First Light has been on my “need to play” list since I got it in 2014. Out of the powers in Second Son, the neon powers were my favorite. I knew I would enjoy playing as Fetch with her neon powers. They are all about speed and precision. It was fun to jump back into Seattle. The sense of speed while cruising from rooftop to rooftop is incredible. I like Fetch’s ability to zoom-in, and slowdown time while lining up shots on enemies. It is satisfying.
My favorite parts of the game are the story missions. I got to cruise around the city, completing objectives and unraveling Fetch’s story before she met Delsin. The story is more compact, but I felt it was more impactful than Delsin’s story. Nothing was tedious or tacked on.
The game also features a rescue mode and a survival mode. I did not enjoy rescue mode as much. There is too much going on to worry about protecting civilians. Survival mode allowed me to unleash Fetch’s powers on waves and waves of enemies. It is fun to mess around in for a while.
I spent the perfect amount of time with the game, and I left content.
More Hate, But Less Hate
Halo: The Master Chief Collection – Halo 2: Anniversary (PC)
Release date: 12/03/2019
Last played: 03/04/2022
Session hours: 10.00
Gaming sessions: 7
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: Overall - 106/700 (15%)
Campaign - 11/34 (32%)
Multiplayer - 0/21 (0%)
General - 12/30 (40%)
Halo: CE - 20/95 (21%)
Halo 2 - 26/119 (22%)
Halo 2 MP - 0/38 (0%)
Halo 3: ODST - 16/99 (16%)
Halo 3 - 0/89 (0%)
Halo 4 - 0/75 (0%)
Halo: Reach - 21/100 (21%)
Screenshots taken: 94
Acquisition date: 04/08/2021
Acquired from: Steam
Price: $19.99 (List $39.99 for Halo: MCC)

Halo 2 feels like more of the first game, but better. The level design is tighter and flows better. Carrying two guns instead of one adds a layer of strategy. Playing as two different characters creates an interesting, although convoluted, story. I understood what the Arbiter was doing. However, I have no idea why Masterchief did what he did.
Even though the level design is better, they are artificially lengthened by repeating sections. It is bad level design carried over from the first game. The flood still sucks as an enemy type. The worst parts of the Halo 2 are the frustrating moments much like the first game. Moments where I am low on ammo, and cannot find anything, or the game glitched and I couldn’t pick it up from the ground.
I hate that the shooting still feels really good. I cannot overstate how much I love the shooting in these games. I wish I could like Halo, but I cannot; I’ve tried.
Same As Before
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (NS)
Release date: 04/28/2017
Last played: 02/27/2022
Session hours: 14.00
Gaming sessions: 6
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: NA
Screenshots taken: 157
Acquisition date: 12/16/2021
Acquired from: Best Buy
Price: $39.99 (List $59.99)

With the announcement of the booster packs, I decided to finally play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the switch. I have played Mario Kart 8 on the WiiU throughout the years. Deluxe is pretty much the same game with a few more characters and modes. There is not a lot more I can say about it. It is a fantastic game, and I loved the excuse to replay it. I am looking forward to playing more booster packs in 2023.
Idle Meets FPS
Time Warpers (PC)
Release date: 01/16/2020
Last played: 03/05/2022
Session hours: 2.25
Gaming sessions: 2
Completion status: Early
Achievements: 9/115 (7.83%)
Screenshots taken: 24
Acquisition date: 11/29/2021
Acquired from: Steam
Price: $6.79 (List $19.99)

I like idle games. I like first person shooters. Time Warpers combines the two genres. I should love it, right?
The gameplay loop was simple. I walked into closed off arenas, killed wave after wave of enemies, and moved on. I repeated the loop over and over again. I earned gold and unlocked new weapons and upgrades. While not playing, the game continued to give me gold.
The voxel graphics work well, but the shooting does not feel great. I only played a few hours, but I only saw two different enemy types. Even by idle game standards, the game is boring. Maybe the game would be better as I prestige, but I do not have the patience to find out.
Burnout On The Hate
Halo: The Master Chief Collection – Halo 3: ODST (PC)
Release date: 12/03/2019
Last played: 03/21/2022
Session hours: 3.00
Gaming sessions: 2
Completion status: Midway
Achievements: Overall - 106/700 (15%)
Campaign - 11/34 (32%)
Multiplayer - 0/21 (0%)
General - 12/30 (40%)
Halo: CE - 20/95 (21%)
Halo 2 - 26/119 (22%)
Halo 2 MP - 0/38 (0%)
Halo 3: ODST - 16/99 (16%)
Halo 3 - 0/89 (0%)
Halo 4 - 0/75 (0%)
Halo: Reach - 21/100 (21%)
Screenshots taken: 33
Acquisition date: 04/08/2021
Acquired from: Steam
Price: $19.99 (List $39.99 for Halo: MCC)

I remember liking Halo3: ODST when I first played it on the Xbox 360. The characters are developed, and the voice acting fun. The mysterious nature of the story feels noir-ish; I felt like a detective piecing together what happened to the city and my team. The music is quieter than other Halo games, but just as outstanding.
However, I gave up on ODST with my latest playthrough. I got burned out on the combat. Fighting waves and waves of enemies started wearing me down. I will have to revisit ODST when the stink of the other games has wafted away.
Ghost Town Stealth
Neon Struct: Die Augen der Welt (PC)
Release date: 05/20/2015
Last played: 04/03/2022
Session hours: 0.25
Gaming sessions: 1
Completion status: Very Early
Achievements: 2/25 (8%)
Screenshots taken: 2
Acquisition date: 11/29/2021
Acquired from: Steam
Price: $1.79 (List $17.99)

I like to think I like immersive sims. I like Deus Ex, Dishonored and Prey. I should like Neon Sturct. It is more of a stealth game with immersive sim elements. However, the world feels empty and bare bones. I only played the first level, so maybe things change. I want to give it the benefit of the doubt, because it is made by a small team. But the world and the art style put me off.
The Worst Name For A Good Game
The Sexy Brutale (PC)
Release date: 04/12/2017
Last played: 04/10/2022
Session hours: 8.25
Gaming sessions: 4
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 18/18 (100%)
Screenshots taken: 34
Acquisition date: 11/29/2021
Acquired from: Steam
Price: $2.99 (List $19.99)

The Sexy Brutale has a great concept, good execution, okay ending, and bad name. It is a time loop game, before it was cool to be a time loop game. Guests were being murdered in the Sexy Brutale Mansion Casino, and it was up to me to use my time powers to save them. There are some additional twists to the story, which I will not spoil. It is a great concept.
The art style is slick. “Brutale” is apt, because the deaths are very brutal; the art style conveys it perfectly. The music is easy, jazzy, and upbeat. I heard the same music a lot, and I never got tired of hearing the soundtrack loop.
The ending is okay. I did not see the twist coming, but it felt cheap. Still, the journey was very fun, and I recommend playing this game.
Puzzles, Stealth, and Cats
Another Sight (PC)
Release date: 09/06/2018
Last played: 04/12/2022
Session hours: 6.50
Gaming sessions: 4
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 21/21 (100%)
Screenshots taken: 55
Acquisition date: 11/29/2021
Acquired from: Steam
Price: $5.99 (List $9.99 for Definitive Edition)

Another Sight is charming. Kit loses her sight after falling in a pit. However, she gains another, different kind of a sight; she can see sounds. Along the way, she meets a cat named Hodge, who helps her on her journey.
I was able to switch between the two characters. Hodge is able to see fine, but is limited to doing cat things. Hodge’s movement feels like a cat when moving fast and jumping, but is clumsy when trying to perform more precision platforming. The first half of the game is all about solving puzzles, while the second half turns into a stealth game. I had a lot of fun, but the checkpoint system sucks and is inconsistent, especially during the latter half of the game when it is important.
The art style is gorgeous. The cutscenes are watercolor still shots, which are beautifully illustrated. The story is engaging. I met famous people from the Victorian Era. Monet, Tesla, Edison, and more are in this strange place for one reason or another. However, the ending does not go anywhere, and it boils down to three choices. It is unsatisfying.
I had fun with the game, but I can only recommend it if it is on sale.
Scaley Execution
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen (PC)
Release date: 01/15/2016
Last played: 06/07/2022
Session hours: 59.25
Gaming sessions: 27
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 37/59 (62.71%)
Screenshots taken: 145
Acquisition date: 01/26/2018
Acquired from: Steam
Price: $9.89 (List $29.99)

Dragon’s Dogma is a weird RPG. It is open world, but the world is relatively small, when compared to other open world RPGs. I cannot complain too much about the size, because it makes up for it with how dense it is. It is packed with dangers lurking around every rock and turn. However, the fast travel system is weird, and the world can be annoying to backtrack through.
Character customization is in-depth. Physical appearance affects things like getting stunned, and movement speed. Classes are determined by selecting one of nine vocations. The game allowed me to switch vocations whenever I wanted, so I was not stuck on one thing.
The pawn system is unique. I created one pawn, and I was able to hire two additional pawns, which were created by other users. The pawns are personality-blank people, but they impact the story. I was able to groom and customize my pawn to my liking. I want to see other games adapt it.
The combat is fun. The bow and dagger animations are smooth, and have a satisfying sound to them. It is good that it is satisfying, because there are a lot of big enemies to kill. I was able to climb up on them, and stab them on their weak points. There is a lot of strategy involved when approaching big enemies.
The story is weird, and involves a dragon stealing my heart… literally. The main quest takes a long time to complete. Most of the side-quests are one-note, fetch quests, but they got me to encounter interesting enemies. Only a handful of NPCs are interesting; most of them are window dressing. There is a lot of intrigue in the world, but nothing is executed in an interesting way.
The combat, character customization, pawn system, and the enemies make the game worth playing. It scratched my RPG itch. I recommend you check it out.
Killing Nazis With A Friend
Wolfenstein: Youngblood (PC)
Release date: 07/25/2019
Last played: 05/29/2022
Session hours: 22.50
Gaming sessions: 6
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 37/60 (61.67%)
Screenshots taken: 48
Acquisition date: 07/04/2021
Acquired from: Steam
Price: $5.99 (List $19.99)

I had a lot of thoughts about Wolfenstein: Youngblood. You should read my full review. The TLDR is it is an odd entry in the new Wolfenstein series. Killing Nazis with a friend is fun, but gets old without much payoff.
Death Fuels Me
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles – Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (PSP)
Release date: 10/23/2007
Last played: 07/07/2022
Session hours: 7.25
Gaming sessions: 5
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 63% Complete
Screenshots taken: 41
Acquisition date: 05/19/2008
Acquired from: Target
Price: $15.00 (List NA for The Dracula X Chronicles)

I started playing Rondo of Blood in Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles to unlock Symphony of the Night. I ended up completing the story for both Maria and Richter. I did not unlock the “good” ending, but I had a lot more fun than I thought I would.
The PSP version of the game is a 2.5D remake of the old game from 1993. I am not a fan of difficult games, and Castlevania games from that era are hard. Rondo of Blood is no exception. However, I found a satisfying rhythm with it. Stages required a high level of trial-and-error to complete. I went into each level expecting to die at least twice. I learned enemy locations and timing of jumps, and was able to succeed after dying to them. Each level ends with a boss, and the bosses follow the same rhythm as the stages.
The story (although sparse) and characters tie into Symphony of the Night. It was cool to play as Maria and Richter. However, I mostly played for the endorphin rush from defeating bosses.
Revisitng The Castle
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles – Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PSP)
Release date: 10/23/2007
Last played: 07/07/2022
Session hours: 16.50
Gaming sessions: 10
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 199% Complete
Screenshots taken: 61
Acquisition date: 05/19/2008
Acquired from: Target
Price: $15.00 (List NA for The Dracula X Chronicles)

After unlocking it in Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles I played Symphony of the Night. I played the game on the original PlayStation when I was a kid, and have been meaning to replay it. Even though the story ties into Rondo of Blood, Symphony of the Night is a complete departure. I was able to level up Alucard, and I had an inventory. The castle is open, and new areas became available as I obtained abilities. The game also has a detailed story with voice acting.
The game birthed the “Metroidvania” genre, and holds up today. However, the design is not as tight as Rondo of Blood. Some areas are unfairly difficult, like the Royal Chapel. There is a difficulty spike that feels like it comes out of nowhere. The difficulty seems to jump between easy and hard, and it is jarring.
I am not a big fan of Metroidvanias, but I enjoy this one.
The Beginnings Of Something Special
Super Mario All-Stars – Super Mario Bros. (SNES)
Release date: 08/11/1993
Last played: 08/21/2022
Session hours: 4.75
Gaming sessions: 3
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 21/21 (100%)
Screenshots taken: 97
Acquisition date: 07/01/2022
Acquired from: Rock 30 Games
Price: $35.00 (List NA for Mario All-Stars)

The last time I played the original Super Mario Bros. I told myself I was never going to play it again. However, Retro Achievements made me play through the entirety of Super Mario All-Stars. I played through the game not once, but four times… for achievements.
I love the Super Mario series. I see why the first game became a hit to begin with. The level design is brilliant. However, the gameplay has not aged well. Mario moves like a semi-truck compared to later games. For people who want to experience the first game, I suggest playing the first two levels; later games like to reference them, and it is nice to see the origins of the easter eggs. If you still want to keep going, I suggest stopping after the first Bowser fight; the game just goes downhill from there.
I’ll be playing the game at least one more time to get the achievements for the NES version of the game; I just need to take some time to recover.
More Of The Same But Harder
Super Mario All-Stars – Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels (SNES)
Release date: 08/11/1993
Last played: 08/21/2022
Session hours: 0.75
Gaming sessions: 2
Completion status: Early
Achievements: 3/16 (18.75%)
Screenshots taken: 1
Acquisition date: 07/01/2022
Acquired from: Rock 30 Games
Price: $35.00 (List NA for Mario All-Stars)

I did not complete The Lost Levels in Super Mario All-Stars. It is an extremely difficult and unfun game. It threw enemies and death at me nonstop. I did not have time to breath. On top of the difficult level design, Mario still controls like a truck. I struggled my way through the first world and gave up.
Sequel But Not A Sequel
Super Mario All-Stars – Super Mario Bros. 2 (SNES)
Release date: 08/11/1993
Last played: 08/26/2022
Session hours: 6.00
Gaming sessions: 3
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 25/32 (78.12%)
Screenshots taken: 104
Acquisition date: 07/01/2022
Acquired from: Rock 30 Games
Price: $35.00 (List NA for Mario All-Stars)

Next up in Super Mario All-Stars is Super Mario Bros. 2. It was not supposed to be a Super Mario Bros. game, but Nintendo ham-fisted Mario into a different game for the West. However, it does do some interesting things.
There is a deeper story involving a corrupted dream world. There are four playable characters, and each character has different abilities; I preferred Peach, because she can hover for a few seconds. The levels are open and contain lots of secrets. There are a lot different types of enemies. Instead of jumping on enemies to kill them, I threw root vegetables at them.
It can be a bit tough and unfair at parts. Overall, it is a weird, but good game.
The Perfect Evolution
Pac-Man Championship Edition DX (PC)
Release date: 01/31/2013
Last played: 07/17/2022
Session hours: 6.75
Gaming sessions: 2
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 12/12 (100%)
Screenshots taken: 15
Acquisition date: 06/23/2022
Acquired from: Steam
Price: $3.74 (List $14.99 for game and DLCs)

One of the first arcade machines I played was Ms. Pac-Man, and I loved it. I first played Pac-Man Championship Edition DX in 2011 on the PS3, and I thought the game was the perfect evolution of the series. It was cheap on PC, so I decided to revisit it.
I still love it. It skyrockets Pac-Man into the modern age and plays great. Pac-Man is faster and even more chaotic. Ghosts still need to be dodged. Stationary ghosts need to be turned into blue ghosts, so they can be eaten for points. The courses changed when I ate all the pills on the screen. The objective is to get a high score. Building up trains of ghosts is the best way to create ginormous combos and score major points.
The audio makes the game. The electronic music is relaxing, yet hyper; it is perfect. The “wakakakakakakakaka” triggers the dopamine center in my brain. It is a game built for me and my nostalgia.
The True Sequel
Super Mario All-Stars – Super Mario Bros. 3 (SNES)
Release date: 08/11/1993
Last played: 08/26/2022
Session hours: 8.75
Gaming sessions: 7
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 36/37 (97.30%)
Screenshots taken: 84
Acquisition date: 07/01/2022
Acquired from: Rock 30 Games
Price: $35.00 (List NA for Mario All-Stars)

Back to Super Mario All-Stars. Super Mario Bros. 3 is the best NES game I have played, and it is the perfect sequel. Nintendo created a detailed overworld. The platforming is refined, and is used as the blueprint for modern Mario games. There are so many iconic power-ups! P-Wings, tonooki suits, hammer bros, frog suits, and more. I cannot believe they packed so much onto the NES cartridge. The game is still as fun to play today as it was when I first played it in the 90’s as a child.
Exploration and Experimentation
David Crane’s A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia (NES)
Release date: 12/01/1989
Last played: 08/27/2022
Session hours: 2.00
Gaming sessions: 1
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 13/15 (86.67%)
Screenshots taken: 29
Acquisition date: 08/05/2022
Acquired from: Rock 30 Games
Price: $17.00 (List NA)

After playing Mario All-Stars, I got on a NES kick starting with A Boy and His Blob. I was very surprised by it. It is one of the few NES games I have played that has a lot of depth to the gameplay. Unfortunately, the game leaves a lot to discover through trial and error. Even with the manual, I had to resort to a guide.
The gameplay is about exploration. I fed my friend, Blob, jellybeans, and he transformed into things like ladders, holes, and trampolines. The game gave me a bunch of jellybeans, so I was free to experiment. Without a guide, I needed to experiment a lot. Early in the game, I knew I needed to turn Blob into a hole to get below a subway, but I could not see where I was going. So, I resorted to turning him into a hole on every screen, and died a lot. This is when I resorted to a guide, and breezed through the game.
With a guide, it is a short game. The designers were limited by the power of the NES, and trial-and-error gameplay extends the length of the game. Even with the guide, I had a lot of fun. It is a surprisingly complex game from the NES era.
Make Money, Commit Misdemeanors
Paperboy (NES)
Release date: 12/31/1988
Last played: 08/28/2022
Session hours: 0.75
Gaming sessions: 2
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 24/32 (75%)
Screenshots taken: 23
Acquisition date: 08/05/2022
Acquired from: Rock 30 Games
Price: $27.00 (List NA)

Paperboy is a video-game-ass video game. Hearing the “brrh” sound when successfully getting a paper on the doorstep or in the mailbox mailbox feels good. Dodging people and other obstacles feels rewarding. Destroying non-subscribers’ property is just the best.
The world of Paperboy is weird. I am not sure why houses have tombstones on their front lawn. All I know is throwing papers at them seems to destroy them. It is a lot of fun.
Skateboarding Is Not A Crime, But The Surfing In This Game Is
Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage (NES)
Release date: 02/29/1988
Last played: 08/28/2022
Session hours: 1.25
Gaming sessions: 1
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 35/43 (81.40%)
Screenshots taken: 49
Acquisition date: 08/05/2022
Acquired from: Rock 30 Games
Price: $6.00 (List NA)

I was pleasantly surprised by Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage. I thought I would play it for only a few minutes; instead, I played it for half an afternoon.
The game is actually two games in one. In Street Skate Session I skated through a street dodging obstacles and doing simple tricks. I skated down the same street 30 times, and had a blast. I was able to pull off a lot of different tricks, considering the limitations of the NES controller. I jumped off ramps, over roadblocks, grinded on walls, and more. Overall, it was a good way to kill an afternoon.
I never did figure out how to play the surfing mode, Big Wave Encounter. I kept wiping out. The controls in the manual do not make sense. I tried over a dozen times, and got overtaken by a wave repeatedly.
Play the Street Skate Session. It’s fun.
Why. Won’t. He. Die.
Little Nemo: The Dream Master (NES)
Release date: 09/04/1990
Last played: 08/28/2022
Session hours: 3.00
Gaming sessions: 1
Completion status: Mostly
Achievements: 25/52 (48.08%)
Screenshots taken: 51
Acquisition date: 08/05/2022
Acquired from: Rock 30 Games
Price: $30.00 (List NA)

Little Nemo: The Dream Master is my last foray into the NES for the year. I first played the game at a friend’s house as a kid, and I have wanted to revisit it. Now that I am older, the game is interesting piece of history. Most NES games have little to no story. Little Nemo has a fully fleshed out story with a ton of non-voiced dialog. It is a whimsical story about a boy invited to a dream world by a princess. Once there, he finds out the dream world is being invaded by a nightmare.
There is a lot to the gameplay as well. I found friendly creatures and fed them candy. Once I fed them candy, I rode on them or wore them as a suit, and I gained new abilities. It is a fun mechanic. The game is very difficult, but emulator save states make the game bearable.
Before going into the final boss, I had a positive impression of the game. However, the last level introduces three boss fights who have way too much health. It feels grindy in an unfun way. I got to the last boss, but never beat the game. I hit him over 50 times, and he would not die! It ruined the experience for me, and I gave up.
Honoring The Past
Astro’s Playroom (PS5)
Release date: 11/12/2020
Last played: 09/03/2022
Session hours: 5.75
Gaming sessions: 5
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 46/46 (100%)
Screenshots taken: 77
Acquisition date: 08/29/2022
Acquired from: PlayStation Store
Price: $0.00 (List $0.00)

When I got my PlayStation 5, I played Astro’s Playroom right way. It is a charming platformer that showcases the features of the DualSense controller. It really gave me an appreciation for the engineering behind the adaptive triggers and the haptic feedback. Every action in the game feels good.
The game honors the legacy of the PlayStation brand. Throughout the game I unlocked detailed models of PlayStations and PlayStation accessories. They have a few deep cuts in the game.
On top of everything, the game is a great platformer! It is fun jumping around the levels and collecting stuff. Don’t overlook it if you have a PS5.
Seeing It Without Rose Tinted Glasses
Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4)
Release date: 02/28/2017
Last played: 09/25/2022
Session hours: 91.00
Gaming sessions: 29
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: Overall - 77/79 (97.47%)
Base Game - 56/56 (100%)
The Frozen Wilds - 21/21 (100%)
New Game+ - 0/2 (0%)
Screenshots taken: 151
Acquisition date: 11/24/2019
Acquired from: Walmart
Price: $15.00 (List $29.99 for Complete Edition)

I first played Horizon Zero Dawn when it released, and I loved it. I could not find any faults with the game. However, five years later, I see the scuff marks in its polished armor.
I think I remembered too much from my first playthrough. Right away, I plotted out my skill path. I spent skill points on more advance skills too early, while neglecting some basic skills. This made me feel underpowered until I hit level 25. After level 25, the game became easy; some people think the game is too easy, but I like the feeling of power.
I felt frustrations of resource management during my replay. I don’t exactly hate it, but I think it could be better. I had a ton of carrying capacity, but by mid game, I was full, and needed to juggle things constantly. I got caught in a cycle of collect a thing I need to upgrade, so I can collect more things, so I can upgrade other things.
If the main game was too easy, The Frozen Wilds is a different beast (pun kinda intended). This was my first playthrough for the DLC. On normal difficulty after completing the main game, the DLC is brutal. On normal, things should feel fair, and Frozen Wilds felt unfair. The new dinos felt impossible to dodge, and dealt way too much damage. I felt like I had to constantly cheese their combat arena to defeat them.
I still think the story is remarkable, and the combat is satisfying. Despite seeing its faults, I still think the game and its DLC is fantastic, and I am looking forward to playing Forbidden West in 2023.
Traps And BDSM
Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess (PS4)
Release date: 07/14/2015
Last played: 11/09/2022
Session hours: 45.00
Gaming sessions: 20
Completion status: Quest Mode - Complete
Story Mode - Early
Achievements: 28/35 (80%)
Screenshots taken: 224
Acquisition date: 10/21/2022
Acquired from: PlayStation Store
Price: $78.91 (List $78.91 for game and DLC)

Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess is a complicated game to break down. As far as I am aware, there is not another game like the games in the Deception canon. The traps feel satisfying, and the kills are cartoonishly brutal. I enjoyed playing Quest Mode, but I could not make myself complete the Story Mode.
You should check out my review for my full thoughts.
Not What I Wanted
Need for Speed Heat (PC)
Release date: 11/08/2019
Last played: 11/10/2022
Session hours: 0.75
Gaming sessions: 1
Completion status: Very Early
Achievements: 2/42 (4.76%)
Screenshots taken: 2
Acquisition date: 07/12/2022
Acquired from: Amazon Prime
Price: $0.00 (List $59.99)

I got less than an hour into Need for Speed Heat before I dropped it. There are day races, where I gained currency, and night races, where I gained reputation. The night races stressed me out. The more races I did at night, the higher my heat level, and the more reputation I got. However, the higher the heat level I had, the more cops came after me. Getting taken down by the cops removes all reputation earned during the night. The thought of it stressed me out.
It is not a bad racing game, but I was looking for something like Burnout and this game is not it.
Not Quite What I Wanted
Hot Wheels Unleashed (PS5)
Release date: 09/30/2021
Last played: 11/19/2022
Session hours: 9.75
Gaming sessions: 5
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: Overall - 25/54 (46.30%)
Base Game - 25/45 (55.56%)
Monster Trucks Expansion - 0/3 (0%)
Batman Expansion - 0/3 (0%)
Looney Tunes Expansion - 0/3 (0%)
Screenshots taken: 44
Acquisition date: 10/14/2022
Acquired from: PlayStation Plus
Price: $1.19 (List $1.99 for The Mystery Machine)

I was still in the mood for something to scratch my Burnout itch, so I tried Hot Wheels Unleashed. The racing felt good, so I stuck with the campaign. I was driving toy cars, and the physics matched. There is a sense of speed when hitting boosts, and cars float through the air when hitting ramps. The cars are the coolest part of the game. Each one is detailed; they look exactly like the real Hot Wheels.
The tracks are made up of loops, ramps, and other Hot Wheel branded obstacles. Some of the obstacles are annoying, like the spiders. There is no skill to dodging the webs, only luck. It is bad design. The AI needs to be tweaked. On Normal, races come down to the wire, and require constant speed to win. Easy is way too easy and requires no skill. Neither difficulty is fun to play.
I stuck with the game, because Hot Wheels are cool, and the racing does feel good. However, it quickly becomes monotonous.
I’m Not Ready For It
Disco Elysium – The Final Cut (PC)
Release date: 10/15/2019
Last played: 11/13/2022
Session hours: 5.75
Gaming sessions: 2
Completion status: Early
Achievements: 1/45 (2.22%)
Screenshots taken: 5
Acquisition date: 10/25/2022
Acquired from: Steam
Price: $9.99 (List $39.99)

I decided to play Disco Elysium, because they recently released voice acting for the game. I thought it was a shorter, indie game. I was wrong; the howlongtobeat says it is around 30 hours. I tried going into the game blind. I thought it would be a lighter game, but it is a dense roleplaying game. The RPG elements are all in the dialog trees. The options available allowed me to choose what kind of cop I wanted to be.
Failing can lead to cool moments. For example, a kid was insulting me, and I decided to try to intimidate him. I ended up failing the check, and he insulted me so hard that I quit the force. This caused a “game over” screen, but I laughed.
I decided to shelve the game after a few hours. Not because I didn’t like it; I just need to change my headspace. I kept trying to play the “optimal” way, which is the wrong way to play this game. I am hoping to pick it back up in 2023.
I Only Played For The Sequel
The Whispered World (PC)
Release date: 04/26/2010
Last played: 12/03/2022
Session hours: 7.00
Gaming sessions: 3
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 11/20 (55%)
Screenshots taken: 34
Acquisition date: 11/19/2022
Acquired from: Green Man Gaming
Price: $1.70 (List $19.99 for Special Edition)

I played The Whispered World, because I thought the sequel looked cool. I bought both games for under $2.00 each. It is a point-and-click adventure game, with a cool, old school animation style. I got my monies worth out of it, but I would not pay full price for it.
The story is serviceable, being a “unlikely hero to save the world” tale. The writing is not good, and the voice acting is forced. I did laugh a few times, but I mostly speed-read the subtitles. Thankfully, the game allowed me to skip through dialog. The ending made the game worth the journey, but it is a rough 7 to 10 hours. It would be better suited as a shorter game. I relied on a guide, because many solutions for puzzles seemed random. How was I supposed to know that I needed a pair of pants to scoop up a mouse? It made no sense in context.
Disturbed Is Stuck In My Head
Silence (PC)
Release date: 11/15/2016
Last played: 12/04/2022
Session hours: 4.75
Gaming sessions: 2
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 17/46 (36.96%)
Screenshots taken: 42
Acquisition date: 11/19/2022
Acquired from: Green Man Gaming
Price: $1.70 (List $19.99)

Silence is the sequel to The Whispered World. The first game is required homework before playing this game. The art style in Silence is really cool, and is what made me want to play the series.
I was able to play two siblings, and switch between them. Along the way, they meet some rebels. The characters are fleshed out and interesting, but the game does not do anything with the rebels. By the end of the game, it is just the two siblings. The voice acting is still so-so, but the writing is a lot better. I had the opposite problem I had with The Whispered World; I was engaged with the story throughout my time with Silence, but the ending left me disappointed. Both endings are sad with little payoff.
The puzzles are infinitely better in Silence. There is a good hint system in place which you can choose to ignore. I never felt the solutions were abstract, and I was usually able to figure it out on my own. For less than $2.00 I had fun, and am curious if they will do another sequel.
Guns Go Shoot; Numbers Go Up
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (PS5)
Release date: 06/11/2021
Last played: 12/14/2022
Session hours: 35.50
Gaming sessions: 15
Completion status: Complete
Achievements: 47/47 (100%)
Screenshots taken: 102
Acquisition date: 11/19/2022
Acquired from: Target
Price: $29.99 (List $69.99)

I have never played a Ratchet & Clank game, but I heard Rift Apart is the first game to need the power of the PlayStation 5. I also heard it was a great game.
Even without playing any of the other games, the story is easy to jump into. The writing and voice acting are a treat. Laugh-out-loud moments fill the game. The game is light and funny, but it does hit on deeper emotions. The new characters, Rivet and Kit, are dimensional counterparts to Ratchet and Clank, but they are different. Throughout the game, their unexpected history becomes unraveled.
It took me awhile to get used to the platforming. I started loving it when I unlocked the magnet boots and hover boots. Movement is a lot of fun with the unlocked abilities. The real star of the game are the guns. They take advantage of the DualSense controller’s adaptive triggers. For example, the shotgun has a very heavy trigger pull, and it feels super satisfying to nail enemies with it. Each gun is unique, and can be upgraded with use. The game scratches my “numbers go up” itch. I ended up grinding a little bit to fully upgrade the weapons on my first playthrough. After I finished, I did something I do not usually do with a video game: I started new game +. The second playthrough was just as fun as the first. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is my pick for game of this year.
2022 Summary
Games played: 30
Session hours: 395.75
Sessions: 181
Oldest game played: Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage
(NES) - 02/29/1988
Newest game played: Hot Wheels Unleashed (PS5) - 09/30/2021
Most achievements earned: Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) - 77
Favorite game to 100%: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (PS5)
Most hours played: Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4) - 91.00
Total spent: $365.64
Game of the year: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart (PS5)
I played games from each decade, spanning from the 1980’s to the 2020’s. However, I did not play any games from 2022. It is weird not playing any brand new games. Part of the reason is my PC’s graphics card is aging, and needs a replacement. Another is the cost of new games. For example, I love God of War, but I cannot swallow the $70 price tag for Ragnarök.
On the flip side, I spent way too much money, and obtained a lot of games this year. According to my 2022 data, I spent over $1,300 on 58 games; I got 75 games for free. The biggest expense came from rebuilding my childhood game library. I bought 30 NES, SNES, GB, GBC, and GBA games for almost $900. I will be playing those games in the future. I have dreams of rebuilding more of my childhood game library, but prices are still insane.
I have weird thoughts on the video game industry. I am starting to feel old and out of touch. I like to buy games, and I like to buy them on sale, sometimes for a steep discount. I am a patient gamer, and I do not mind waiting years to play games. Video game subscription services are not for me, including Game Pass. I subscribed to it for a year, and only took advantage of it for three games. I played Flight Simulator, and got to play Gears 4 early (I ended up buying it later), and I played some Masterchief Collection (also bought later). I did not get my monies worth out of it. I have a huge backlog, and I like to dip into it often. Game Pass does not allow me to do that. It stressed me out.
I don’t like Game Pass, but I am glad it exists. I remember being a kid, and looking for new games to play. I didn’t have money, so my choices were to wait for Birthday/Christmas gifts, or beg my parents to rent a game. I remember before free-to-play games were popular looking for anything for free on the Internet. Yes, there were Flash games, but that wasn’t the same. I downloaded so many crappy mods, hoping for something special. I also remember downloading Gunz: The Dual. Nothing scratched my itch like the games I bought, rented, or were gifted.
I think my parents would have easily let me subscribe to Game Pass. It is cheap, and would have kept me entertained. On top of that, there are good free-to-play games, like Apex Legends and Fortnite. Kid me would have been someone I hated (someone who plays multiplayer games), but he would have been having nonstop fun.
Speaking of free-to-play, the video game industry needs to get their act together surrounding their unethical practices to squeeze money out of the consumer. First, a $70.00 game should not contain any microtransactions, unless it is story based expansions/DLCs. Second, lootboxes need to be considered gambling. Third, any scummy practices Epic Games was fined for by the FTC need to stop in all games. Consumers should not have to “vote with their wallet” when it comes to ethical practices.
2022 Game Releases
Enough talking about the negative aspects of the industry; there is a lot of good out there. For example, there were a lot of cool video games that came out this year. I didn’t check them out this year, but I have interest to play them at some point. 2022 felt like a sparse year for video game releases, but there were a lot when I actually thought about it.
A Plague Tale: Requiem – I loved Innocence, and look forward to playing the sequel.
Beeny – I heard about this game from GiantBomb’s Jeff Grubb. He was talking about Super Kiwi 64, but reviews say to play Beeny first. I did buy this, since it was $0.50.
Citizen Sleeper – I don’t know much about it, but it is getting a lot of attention. It sounds emotional, and fun to play.
Elden Ring – Everyone has heard of this game. I might pick it up on PC, and play with trainers. I don’t like difficult games, but it does sound fun.
Evil West – Looks like a great hack n’ slash. I might have to convince a friend to pick it up with me.
God of War Ragnarök – Yeah, I’ll definitely pick this up in 2023.
High On Life – The game sounds stupid fun.
Horizon Forbidden West – This will probably be the first game I play in 2023.
Immortality – I need to get through Sam Barlow’s Telling Lies before I get to Immortality.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land – I don’t know if I will ever get this, but it does sound like a chill game.
Neon White – I am on the fence on this one. It sounds like I will like it, but I also might not. Speedrunning isn’t normally my jam.
New Tales from the Borderlands – I loved the original Tales from the Borderlands, so I look forward to this one even if reviews are a little cold.
Nintendo Switch Sports – I forgot this game existed, but I should pick it up. I dumped so many hours into Wii Sports.
Pentiment – It’s making its way onto GotY lists. It sounds cool. I’ve wishlisted it.
Prodeus – I am hit or miss when it comes to retro art styles, but I dig Prodeus’s. The gameplay looks right up my alley.
Raft – I watched Markiplier play a lot of it. A friend of mine has also been bugging me to play. I am not sure if I am ready for another survival game.
Return to Monkey Island – Ron Gilbert is back, and I will be too! I am looking forward to replaying the other Monkey Island games, and then diving into this one.
Rollerdrome – It looks cool. Tony Hawk meets arena shooters.
Saints Row (2022) – I was excited for this one, but the reviews are so “meh.” It almost makes it worse that it isn’t just a bad game.
Stray – I want to play as a cat, but I want to do it on the cheap. Not sure how low the price will have to be, but I might play it one day.
Super Kiwi 64 – It sounds like a fun, but short, collect-a-thon. Sounds like my kind of game.
Teardown – I like destruction, and this game has it. The one thing I am not keen on is the objectives for missions; let me destroy things however I want! Luckily, there are mods.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge – I like Turtles, and this looks like a blast from the past. I already bought it. Maybe I can get my nephew and my brother in on some Turtles action.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection – I like Turtles and this has the Turtles I like.
The House of the Dead: Remake – I want a light gun game, and the version on the Switch sounds close, but not quite right. Say what you want about the Wii, but that console had the light gun genre in spades.
The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe – The release of this game reminds me I should unlock the achievement in the original that required waiting a few years to play. I want to play this.
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands – I like Borderlands and this looks fun. I just need a little more time to pass between this game and Borderlands 3.
Tunic – I don’t know if I will like this game. I like Zelda, but I don’t know if I like the idea of this game. I want to check it out, but I probably won’t. I feel bad for it.
Weird West – This is made by one of the creators of Dishonored. The developer has poured a ton of updates into the game. It sounds fun. I just need to clear my schedule and buy it.
XEL – This game has mixed review, but I enjoyed the demo. It is simple, but fun. I’ll probably buy it on the cheap.
Thank you for taking the time to read/skim this post. I put a lot of time into this post, and I genuinely appreciate it. Video games are a passion of mine, and I love writing about them. I have a request for you: please, have fun this year.
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