This post is part two of my “Games of 2023” series. You can read the Introduction here.
This post includes a bunch of games that feature nudity and sex. Some of the screenshots include nudity, and most are risqué.
Trigger warning: I will be discussing rape and sexual assault.
Reader discretion is advised.
I am on a hunt for a good porn game. Not just a good game despite having sex in it. Not a bad game with good sex in it. No, I want a game that is good for having sex in it. This last year I played a lot of adult games to see if any fit my criteria.
Could Use Less Tentacles
Anthophobia (PC)
Release date: 12/09/2015 Last played: 04/02/2023 Session hours: 10.25 Gaming sessions: 7 Completion status: Complete Achievements: 50/55 (90.91%) Screenshots taken: 23 Acquisition date: 12/27/2022 Acquired from: Steam Price: $0.00 (List $14.99)
If you are not into tentacle rape, then skip Anthophobia. If you can stomach it, then read on.
Anthophobia is a 2D survival horror game. I played as a lone girl with a pipe. I was stuck in a plant-based, zombie apocalypse. In this world, the male zombies want to rape living females. Typing that sentence made me a little sick. The inverse also happens to living males, but the military, consisting of mostly men, have mostly exterminated the female zombies.
The combat is straightforward. My pipe did a decent amount of damage to the zombies, but used my stamina. It became problematic to use the pipe when I took on multiple enemies. My pistol had limited ammo, but more could be found throughout the levels. Molotov cocktails are great for crowd control, but they were even rarer. There is a wide gambit of enemies, and all of them need to be approached differently. All of this adds to the horror of the game.
My clothes acted as armor. This adds a twist to the gameplay. When enemies tore off all my clothes, they grappled me. I had to mash buttons to struggle my way out of their grasp. The more stamina I had, the easier it was to get out. If I could not escape, then I would get raped. This adds a lot of tension to the game.
The game is designed to create a sense of dread. The level design is good. The weird story kept me engaged. It is difficult to put the tentacle rape aside, but I do think it adds to the game. It is not sexy. If you can get past it, then I think you will find a fun game.
All These Bullets and All Them Girls
Bullet Girls Phantasia (PC)
Release date: 01/16/2020 Last played: 05/21/2023 Session hours: 88.00 Gaming sessions: 34 Completion status: Complete Achievements: 44/46 (95.65%) Screenshots taken: 152 Acquisition date: 04/28/2023 Acquired from: Steam Price: $43.95 (List $67.95 for game and DLC)
Bullet Girls Phantasia is not a porn game, but it is close. There is a wide cast of girls, and all of them are dressed in skimpy outfits. This did not draw me to the game. No, I was drawn in by the promise of a good Earth Defense Force (EDF) clone.
Phantasia for PC is port of a PS4 port of a PS Vita game. As such, it is not a great port. The keyboard and mouse controls are stiff. The load times are flabbergasting. The game is not pushing the limit in the graphics department, but it still took my modern rig over a minute to load the simple levels. It is okay though; they spent their time on other things.
The gameplay is a decent EDF clone. I loaded into a level, killed some enemies, and collected guns, clothing, and materials. The story is anime-weird, and I am okay with it. It is a mix of sci-fi and fantasy. The dialog made me laugh, and I cared about the characters. The game has a large cast of 14 characters, and each of them have a distinct personality. I was not expecting to care about the story in a game like this.
Even without nudity, I put the game in the adult category for a reason. You can dress up your teammates in various outfits. The outfits do not add anything to their stats, but their underwear sure does. There is a lot of underwear to choose from. Bras and panties increase damage, defense, and many other stats. When my buddy or my character got damaged, clothing began to rip. We could lose our clothes, and end up in our skivvies. If we continued to get hit, we lost those, too. The game censors itself with floating clouds, and they have an in-game story reason for it. I laughed when they explained it.
I keep forgetting about the Intensive Drilling minigame. In this mode, I had to “interrogate” some of the other characters. Basically, I ran items over the character’s body to score points. The more points I got, the more “interrogated” they were. The items ranged from food items to dildos… but they are not called dildos.
I played a lot of this game. I finished the story missions on normal and hard, but I still wanted more. I finished on ecstasy difficulty, and still wanted more. I finished the side missions, and I still wanted more. I unlocked S rank on all levels and difficulties, but still wanted more. I started running out of steam at 50 hours, and should have stopped. However, I had one more achievement to unlock, so I kept going. I needed to get all the materials, which requires a lot of grinding. I put in almost 40 hours before I have up. I just need 10 more materials, but I think it would take me 10 to 20 more hours. I put the game down.
Even though I am done with it, I had 50 hours of fun times. That is pretty good for an EDF clone with anime girls running around in their underwear.
Everything Feels Wrong
Seed of the Dead (PC)
Release date: 12/14/2018 Last played: 09/17/2023 Session hours: 1.25 Gaming sessions: 1 Completion status: Early Achievements: NA Screenshots taken: 4 Acquisition date: 09/17/2023 Acquired from: Steam Price: $5.09 (List $14.99)
Speaking of EDF clones, Seed of the Dead was compared to EDF in some reviews. After playing it, it is more like a really bad version of Left 4 Dead with sex. By “bad” I mean that it is a very bad game. I finished three levels, and quit.
The guns feel bad to shoot. They have no heft to them, and their sound effects are muted. The shotgun felt okay, but not great. The enemies are dumb, and there are a lot of them. When you spend most of your time shooting, guns should not feel like they were designed for children.
The adult stuff is not great either. My teammates were three girls, and their clothes broke down as they lost HP. When they got low on health or I did, I had to do a sex-rhythm game. After a level, I was rewarded with a sex scene. This is where most of their budget went. With that said, the scenes are not great. They did not do anything for me. As a note they censor genitalia, but you do get to see boobs. There are some nice jiggly physics.
The graphics are bad. The sounds are bad. The game has a story. The dialog was okay, but the overall story is bad. Nothing kept me from dropping this game.
Tissue Paper Clothes
Demon Sword: Incubus (PC)
Release date: 06/17/2022 Last played: 09/21/2023 Session hours: 11.25 Gaming sessions: 5 Completion status: Complete Achievements: 22/29 (75.86%) Screenshots taken: 125 Acquisition date: 09/17/2023 Acquired from: Steam Price: $10.19 (List $19.99)
Demon Sword: Incubus is such a nonsensical name, but it is cool. The game is a 2.5D hack-and-slash. It has a deep move set and combo system. The controls are responsive with a controller. Special effects filled the screen every time I made the combo counter go up. It feels good to play.
There is a story involving a possessed sword. I think I had to save the kingdom using said sword. The dialog was overdramatic, but I did enjoy the sword’s witty comments. The game is pretty short, but I played through it three or four times.
The developers put a lot of effort into the art for the character and enemies, but the backgrounds are really bland. I guess it makes sense, since they made an adult game. The adult content is 100% optional, and can be turned off. When my character got hit, her clothes would start to rip and come off. Normally, this stops when she gets down to her underwear, but if you have the adult option checked, then she gets completely naked. There are also sex animations for dying to each enemy. These animations can be viewed in a gallery from the main menu.
The thing about Demon Sword is that it is a very fun game without the nudity and sex. The sex and nudity add nothing to the game, and can be turned off. In fact, I played this way for one of my playthroughs. If you can snag it on sale, I suggest you play this game.
The Worst Game
Gamble Fight Plus (PC)
Release date: 04/19/2019 Last played: 09/19/2023 Session hours: 0.75 Gaming sessions: 1 Completion status: Early Achievements: NA Screenshots taken: 15 Acquisition date: 09/17/2023 Acquired from: Steam Price: $3.39 (List $9.99)
Gamble Fight Plus is a bad video game. It is a forgettable 3D arena fighting game, and everything about it sucks.
This is how my matches went. I bought and equipped weapons before the match. Once in the arena, I wailed on my opponent. For some unknown reason, they went down when they lost enough stamina. I could not hit them when they were down. They recovered, and got up. I continued the beating. I repeated this until they died. Sometimes I would get knocked down. There is no skill or tactics. It does not feel good to fight. I could even select guns as weapons, but they were almost worse than the melee weapons.
I think the gamble mode is supposed to be the primary way to play this game. In it, I bet on two AI controlled opponents duking it out and I just watched. If my fighter won, I won money. Because the developers had to make a fighting simulator, they must have decided to include a mode where you could also fight. It obviously does not work well.
The fighters’ clothes fall off as they get damaged, which is the only adult thing about this game. I was able to buy some skanky outfits to dress up my fighters. However, the graphics are so bad that my imagination could not make them look hot. It is a terrible game.
Explosive Sex
Rabbit Burn (PC)
Release date: 05/17/2019 Last played: 09/20/2023 Session hours: 3.25 Gaming sessions: 2 Completion status: Complete Achievements: NA Screenshots taken: 16 Acquisition date: 09/17/2023 Acquired from: Steam Price: $5.09 (List $14.99)
No matter what words I use, I cannot give Rabbit Burn the justice it deserves. I had no expectations going into the game, and it came out as being one of the most fun games I played this past year.
I will try my best to describe it. It is a billiards game with a 15ish page tutorial to read. The tutorial describes a fucked-up game of pool involving men in rabbit masks, women wearing rabbit ears and tails, and exploding pool balls.
There are no pockets. Instead, I hit my pool ball, and chaos ensued. The men must follow their pool ball. The pool ball causes an explosion when it hits another ball. This damages nearby men. If my man encounters another man, then they fight until one gets knocked out. If they encounter a woman, then they make like horny rabbits for a few seconds. My objective was to “collect” all of the women.
This game is satisfying to play, and hilarious. Seriously, I laughed out loud every time my character started going to town on a bunny lady with explosions happening in the background. It became even more funny when a random rabbit man would start donkey punching my character. It never got old.
Since this is an adult game, there is a gallery. For some reason, this is where the story lives. Each character has a backstory. Each backstory is bizarre. I love it so much. Unfortunately, there is no way to play this game without the adult stuff. With that said, you should definitely play this game.
The Full Package
Seed of the Dead: Sweet Home (PC)
Release date: 08/27/2021 Last played: 12/17/2023 Session hours: 47.00 Gaming sessions: 27 Completion status: Complete Achievements: 39/43 (90.70%) Screenshots taken: 123 Acquisition date: 09/17/2023 Acquired from: Steam Price: $32.82 (List $54.97 for game, soundtrack, and Charm Song)
After being disappointed by the first game, I put off playing Seed of the Dead: Sweet Home. I think Sweet Home wins the most improved sequel award. I ended up putting a lot of hours into it.
Sweet Home is still a Left 4 Dead clone, but it is significantly better. Some of the weapons feel like BB guns, but others actually feel good to shoot. There is a large variety of weapons, and I was usually able to find one I liked within a few minutes of playing a level. The enemies explode in a satisfying rainbow of blood and gore when killed. The game threw a lot of enemies at me, and there was a good enemy variety. Unfortunately, my tactics boiled down to shooting them in the weak spot. There are better Left 4 Dead clones out there, but Sweet Home does an okay job on this front.
The developers pack a lot into this game. The combat is only a third of it. This game is dense with other stuff to do at the base. There are minigames, base building, and a dating sim built into the base game. The DLC, Charm Song, adds an idol mode. All of these things make numbers go up, which I enjoy.
I installed the R18 patch from the publisher to access the adult stuff. It enabled sex scenes, NTR missions, and kill animations. The latter two items can be disabled in the menu, which is nice of the developers. Sweet Home has jiggly boob and butt animations, but it censors genitalia like the first game. In fact, there is an achievement tied to making it jiggle.
The base game’s story is forgettable, and not interesting. The DLC story is better, but falls into anime-campiness. I think the character stories are one of the best parts of the game. As I leveled up my teammates, dialog scenes unlocked. I got to know their likes and dislikes, as well as their backstory. The stories are surprisingly sweet. With the patch, some of the scenes are sex scenes. They range from funny, serious, sweet, and intimate.
I really should have just written a full review for this game. I have not even touched on the absurdity of the minigames, the depth to the idol mode, or how the base actually feels like home. I was able to collect costumes, and dress up my teammates. Graphics are pretty good for a lower budget game. The music is noteworthy. If the game was just the Left 4 Dead style levels, then the game would be a solid C. However, the base really adds to the full package of the game. I have a hard time ranking it on a scale, but I had a lot of fun playing the game.
Less Than the Sum of Its Parts
Halloween SEX Party [18+] (PC)
Release date: 10/29/2021 Last played: 10/29/2023 Session hours: 1.25 Gaming sessions: 2 Completion status: Complete Achievements: 10/10 (100%) Screenshots taken: 10 Acquisition date: 12/27/2022 Acquired from: Steam Price: $0.00 (List $6.99)
I picked up Halloween SEX Party [+18], because I was curious, and it was cheap. I was curious, because the publisher has many other games. The screenshots look nice. I thought if this one is good, then I would check out the others. Boy, am I glad I did not buy any other games from them.
This game does not come together as a coherent package. The name has nothing to do with the game. The sex has nothing to do with the story. The story has nothing to do with the gameplay. It is cobbled together to check some boxes.
The story is a long scene told through dialog. The main character utters some magic words, and wakes up five magical beings. They are pretty much evil. Throughout the dialog I learned about the five characters, and sent them back to their respective dimensions. The story sucks. It does not help that some of the story is told, and then I had to suddenly do some gameplay.
The game part of the game is a 2D puzzle game. The character ran around forever, and I had to manipulate doors, traps, lifts, etc. to get her to collect things and find the exit. The idea is solid, and the developers had the opportunity to create some engaging puzzles. However, they flushed their creativity down the toilet. The puzzles were not very deep, and it was always straightforward to solve them.
After going back and forth between dialog and gameplay a few times, I unlocked an adult scene. The scene is basically a five panel comic with minimal animation. The story does not setup these scenes; it just kind of showed them as a “reward.” You can do better on the internet.
I almost stopped playing the game. I finished it because it was so short. It is a bad game. I regret my time with it. But, hey, I got all of the achievements.
The Bottom of the Alphabet
Zetria (PC)
Release date: 06/10/2022 Last played: 12/23/2023 Session hours: 2.75 Gaming sessions: 3 Completion status: Complete Achievements: NA Screenshots taken: 27 Acquisition date: 12/21/2023 Acquired from: Steam Price: $3.99 (List $4.99)
Zetria is a fun little puzzle-platformer game. I needed to find some sleeping scientists, and bring them to the exit. I could not jump while carrying the scientist, so I needed to make sure I had a pathway open and cleared of enemies. Opening doors and paths required some light puzzle solving. For most of them, I was able to brute force my way forward. There were data disks hidden in each level; this added a layer of exploration to the game.
I like the pixelated artstyle. The backgrounds and sprites look great. The main character is scantily clad, and the jiggle physics are very liberal. Collecting data disks and beating stages rewarded me with short sex scenes involving the main character and the enemies.
The game is cheap, short, and does not overstay its welcome. Even without the sex scenes, I would have had fun with it.
The Nice Game Which Did Not Need to Be a Porn Game
Teleportals. I swear it’s a nice game (PC)
Release date: 06/15/2018 Last played: 12/26/2023 Session hours: 4.25 Gaming sessions: 2 Completion status: Complete Achievements: 10/11 (90.91%) Screenshots taken: 23 Acquisition date: 12/21/2023 Acquired from: Steam Price: $0.75 (List $0.99)
I am not sure why the developer made Teleportals an adult game. It has a gallery with the main character in revealing swimsuits. After I applied the adult patch, it added images of her naked. During the game, she is clothed in a non-revealing hospital gown.
The game is good, especially for the price. It is a puzzle-based platformer, and the puzzles are engaging. In my opinion, some of the levels are way too hard, and should have been used as extra bonus levels. After completing levels, I earned coins. The coins could be used to unlock images in the gallery, but I was also able to spend them to skip particularly troublesome levels. Some of the puzzles were frustrating just because I could not see parts of the level, which is not great design. Being able to zoom out would have done wonders.
There is a pretty good story built into the game. It kept me engaged, and I wanted to press on just to see the ending. Unfortunately, I was not a fan of the ending. I did not play any of the bonus levels, because they frustrated me. Overall, it is not a bad game for less than a dollar.
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